Different tones of color add contrast to bring out the depth of wood’s true beauty. We can accentuate wood’s character by emphasizing its natural grains and markings; and staining is the perfect way to do just that. Stain leaves wood natural looking by enhancing and preserving its natural beauty and texture.
There are primarily two types of stain. One is semi-transparent, which allows you to see both the grain and the texture of the wood. The other is a solid color or opaque stain, where the grain is hidden, but the texture remains.
A staining process that yields excellent results is to first use an opaque stain on wood. Stain can be wiped, brushed or sprayed on the surface of wood. Then, using a clean cloth, wipe the stain (in the same direction of the grain of the wood) to remove excess. Allow this stain to thoroughly dry. When you sand, the stain will remain in the grain. Then you can glaze, clear coat or use a semi-transparent stain on top. It’s a good idea to test a sample first so that you can be sure that your finished product will look exactly as you expect.
And here’s a bonus…Staining is cost-efficient, easily applied, and surface prep tends to be minimal. Many stains don’t require primers, and stain only needs one coat. Stain is also resistant to cracking and peeling.
So, go ahead and maintain the beauty of your wood with stain. It’s easy, it won’t cost you a ton and it is absolutely beautiful.