Varnish is a wood finish popular for its durability; and while you can apply multiple coats for added protection of your wood’s surface, varnish is also versatile, offering sheens from transparent to glossy and everything in between. Although it takes some finesse to get a smooth finish with several coats, once you perfect it, few wood finishes compare. Rub-on oils, …
Decorative Panels: Wainscoting Ideas
Bored? Maybe it’s time to mix things up with an easy, inexpensive home upgrade. Ever consider adding decorative panels to enhance the interior of your home? Here are some wainscoting ideas to get your creative juices flowing… Let’s start by bringing that tired living room to life by making it a bit cozier, because there is nothing like the warmth …
DIY Tiki Bar
If now isn’t the perfect season to park yourself in front of a tiki bar, I am just not sure what is! So here’s everything you need to know for a do it yourself tiki bar construction project… You can make your tiki bar any size, but a lice sturdy frame can be constructed by using L-brackets to affix 36” …
Density of Wood Matters
Why does the density of our wood matter? A bookcase supports our books, a deck can support our patio furniture, our tables support our food and drinks and our chairs support us. No matter what you are building, from homes to fireplace mantles within our homes, the strength of your wood matters; and research indicates that woods possessing higher density …
Tools to Keep on Hand for Lumber DIYs
Are you planning a do-it-yourself construction project and curious about what tools you should have on hand for a smooth process and professional results? The tools you need can vary from DIY project to project, but there are definitely some tools that are essential no matter what… It may be basic, but one of the most frequently used hand tools …
What Type of Sharks Can Be Found in NSB?
The most common sharks caught along New Smyrna Beach are blacktip and lemon sharks, which make up about 45% of the total population of sharks along the New Smyrna coastline. However, fishermen can also hook up bull sharks, hammerheads, bonnetheads and Atlantic sharpnose sharks as well. You’ll even find some smaller sharks in the Indian River Lagoon, where some spend …
A Beginner’s Guide to Buying Lumber
When purchasing lumber, one of the most important things you can do is to make certain that all of the pieces are straight. You can do this by pulling them off the pallet at your local lumber store and placing them on a flat surface, like the floor, to check for warping; and side-by-side to make sure they are not …
How Plywood Is Made
The plywood production process begins with the selection of hardwood and softwood logs, which can include cedar, pine, mahogany, maple, ash, Douglas fir and spruce. The logs are then separated by species and culled according to suitability. Then, the logs are conditioned, which is the process of spraying or soaking them with water. This step helps to produce a higher …
The Differences between Old Growth and New Growth Lumber
Let’s start at the beginning…with old growth wood, which has been naturally grown for 100 years or more. Old growth lumber is grown at a slow rate, sluggishly nudged along by limited sunlight and the natural competition for valuable nutrients provided by the surrounding trees. As unlikely as it may sound, those limitations actually result in a positive scenario. Gradual …
Measure Twice, Cut Once and Other Helpful Carpentry Tips
The more accurate a carpenter measures, marks and cuts, the more finesse he will add to his finish. That’s why, when it comes to beautiful interior carpentry finish work from crown molding, to baseboards, chair rails, wainscoting, window and door trim, as well as furniture and cabinet building; measuring twice so you only have to cut once is an excellent …